Custom Search
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I am a graduate of the Sauder School of Business at UBC. Upon entering this program, I had no clue what I wanted to do beyond completing it with flying colours. Four and a half years, one marketing specialization, one student exchange to Mexico, and three co-op terms later, I have come no closer to figuring it all out. Although I am a realist in knowing that business and money make the world go round, I am an equal idealist in loathing everything about that notion. So it is at this crossroad of life known as post-secondary graduation where I stand uncertainly poised to fight the banal and predictable life-path of a commerce graduate.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ominous Much?

Google the word "transience" and one of the first images you get is this:

Judging by the empty wine glass, avenging crows (will explain in another post), and large text book, the term MUST apply to me.  I have flirted with permanence in the past but Google's probably right in where my deeper love lies.  Not sure what Google's trying to tell me with the skull and candlestick though??? A reference to investing in my brain and intellectual illumination perhaps?

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